A Personal Meeting Link in RevenueHero is one’s own 1-1 meeting links that are fully customizable with Images, Videos and Forms.

Set up your meeting link by navigating to Sidebar -> Links -> My Meeting Links -> Click Create Meeting Link in top-right corner.

In the pop-up modal, enter a name for your meeting link and the link URL will be auto-generated based on the name.

A Personal Meeting Link comprises of three major sections, Booking page, Forms and Confirmation page, that are explained in detail Prospect View and User’s Configuration View below —

Booking page

As a user, under Booking Page, on the right pane, you can configure the Title of the widget, Description, the meeting’s Duration and Buffers.

For the booking page, you can also configure —

  1. To toggle the Widget Options
  2. To add an Image
  3. To add a Video
  4. To configure Advanced Meeting settings

Questionnaire Forms

Under the forms section on the left pane, you can setup multiple form pages to collect answers to your questions. There are 4 types of form fields that you can set up Short Answer, Long Answer, Single Choice and Dropdown.

For each form field added, you can configure —

  1. To Sync the field’s value to your CRM
  2. To toggle the Widget Options
  3. To add an Image
  4. To add a Video.

Expand and learn how to add each field

Confirmation page

And, finally the confirmation page where you’d like for the prospects to see any final message, image or video. You can choose to keep the prospects on that page or redirect them to another page.

If everything looks good, then you can click on Save on the top-right corner to persist the changes made and you can also click on Preview in the top right corner to see how your meeting link looks.


Adding Image

In each page, you’ve an option to add an image. You can do so by scrolling to the bottom of the right pane and click on +Add in the Image or Video section.

You can choose to upload a new image, or choose from your previously uploaded image or choose from your team’s uploaded images.

And, you can choose the placement of the image on the page. It can be in the background, it can be on the left side or it can be on the right side.

Adding Video

In each page, you’ve an option to add a video. You can do so by scrolling to the bottom of the right pane and click on +Add in the Image or Video section.

You can choose to upload a new video, or add the URL of an existing video from YouTube, Vimeo or Loom.

And, you can choose the placement of the video on the page. It can be in the background, it can be on the left side or it can be on the right side.

Sync form field to CRM

For each form field you add, you can map it to an existing CRM field. RevenueHero will sync the inputted values into your CRM in that field.

Widget Options

For each page, you can choose to show or hide the Company Logo. Apart from that, on the booking page, you can choose to show or hide the profile info of the assignee like LinkedIn or Twitter URLs.

Customize Meeting settings

For your Personal Meeting Links, you can configure the basic options of Duration and Buffers on the booking page. If you’d like to configure additional settings, you can click on Advanced settings on the right pane in Booking page and configure

  1. Showing slots in increments of 15/30/60 mins
  2. Show next available slots from the time of booking or with an offset of 1 day or so
  3. Choose the maximum days into the future a prospect can seek to find slots
  4. The calendar invite text
  5. Turn default reminders on/off and configure the reminder text