1. Go to your landing page with your Gravity form and find your form’s identifier which will be something like #gform_16
  2. Set up an Inbound Router in RevenueHero with the form identifier in your form mapping
  3. Copy the installation script from the final step of the router set up.
    Sample installation script
    <script type="text/javascript" src="https://app.revenuehero.io/scheduler.min.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
       // Use Router ID inplace of 666 here
       window.hero = new RevenueHero({ routerId: '666' });
       hero.schedule('#gform_16'); // Gravity form ID
  4. Go to your Gravity Forms account and navigate to your landing page by going to Sidebar -> Pages -> Landing Page -> Edit
  5. Toggle the Block Inserter, scroll to Widgets and add Custom HTML to the bottom of the page. Paste the RevenueHero installation script in it and click Update on top-right corner to persist changes

That’s it. You’re ready to start converting your Demo Meetings 🎉🎉