For each source of meeting/submission, we send the data in the following structure to the configured URLs. Depending on the source it came in i.e Inbound/Campaign/Relay/Meeting links, the payload structure varies to reflect the data captured

  // -----------------
  // Session payload
  // -----------------
  // Unique session ID
  // type: [string]
  "id": "fa8a2edf-ed8e-459c-8d32-9aed8285de89",
  // URL of page session was initiated
  // type: [string]
  "source_url": "",
  // Time zone of prospect
  // type: [string]
  "time_zone": "Europe/Rome",
  // Session created time
  // type: [timestamp]
  "created_at": "2024-02-02T19:00:00Z",
  // Prospect info
  // type: [object]
  "prospect": {
    // Prospect name
    // type: [string]
    "name": "Excited prospect",
    // Prospect email
    // type: [string]
    "email": "",
  // Assignee info
  // type: [object]
  // Refer [note] for more details
  "assignee": {
    // Assignee name
    // type: [string]
    "name": "Awesome Assignee",
    // Assignee email
    // type: [string]
    "email": "",
  // ------------------------
  // Source specific payload
  // ------------------------
  // Type of event source
  // type: [string]
  "type": "form_session",
  // Name of the Inbound Router
  // type: [string]
  "router_name": "Demo conversion router",
  // Name of the Meeting Type
  // type: [string]
  "meeting_type_name": "45-min Demo",
  // Duration of the meeting if booked
  // type: [integer]
  "duration": 45,
  // Name of the form mapped
  // type: [string]
  "form_mapping_name": "Demo form",
  // Prospect was qualified, or no
  // type: [boolean]
  "qualified": true,
  // Rule that qualified the prospect
  // type: [string]
  // Unset if prospect was disqualified
  "rule": null | "US Lead >1M$",
  // Team name
  // type: string
  // Unset if owner found via matching rule
  "team": null | "US East AEs",
  // CRM info
  // type: [object]
  "crm": {
    // Contact ID in CRM
    // type: [string]
    // Unset by default. Set when Contact found in CRM
    "contact_id": null | "68116051",
    // Lead ID in CRM
    // type: [string]
    // Unset by default. Set when Lead found in CRM
    "lead_id": null | "00QUN0000022zz33AA",
  // ----------------------------------------------
  // Meeting payload (present when meeting booked)
  // ----------------------------------------------
  // Unique Meeting ID
  // type: [string]
  "id": "98ed5828dea9-23d8-c954-e8de-fde2a8af",
  // Link to meeting details
  // type: [string]
  "url": "",
  // Meeting reschedule link
  // type: [string]
  "reschedule_url": "",
  // Meeting cancellation link
  // type: [string]
  "cancellation_url": "",
  // Name of the meeting
  // type: [string]
  "name": "Prospect <> Assignee | KickassCompany",
  // Status of the meeting
  // type: [string]
  // values: [ upcoming | no_show | cancelled | completed ]
  "status": "upcoming",
  // Time at when meeting is happening
  // type: [timestamp]
  "meeting_time": "2024-02-12T16:00:00Z",
  // Cancellation reason
  // type: [string]
  // Unset by default. Set when meeting is cancelled
  "cancellation_reason": null | "Busy. Please reschedule",
  // Time at which meeting was rescheduled
  // type: [timestamp]
  // Unset by default. Set when meeting is rescheduled
  "last_rescheduled_at": null | "2024-02-10T16:00:00Z",
  // Number of times meeting was rescheduled
  // type: [integer]
  // 0 by default. Increased when meeting is rescheduled
  "reschedule_count": 0,
  // Meeting duration
  // type: [integer]
  "duration": 30,
  // Meeting guests
  // type: [array of strings]
  // Empty array by default
  "guests": [],
  // Meeting event ID in calendar
  // Unset if event not created on calendar
  "calendar_event_id": null | "fhisme59b1a7pk7a7jh6pv5qts",
  // Meeting created time
  // type: [timestamp]
  "created_at": "2024-02-02T19:05:00Z",
  // CRM info
  // type: [object]
  "crm": {
    // Contact ID in CRM
    // type: [string]
    // Unset by default. Set when Contact found in CRM
    "contact_id": null | "68116051",
    // Lead ID in CRM
    // type: [string]
    // Unset by default. Set when Lead found in CRM
    "lead_id": null | "00QUN0000022zz33AA",
    // Event ID in CRM
    // type: [string]
    // Unset by default. Set when Event is created in CRM 
    "meeting_id": null | "46772929196",
  // Meeting location
  // type: [object]
  "location": {
    // Conference ID
    // Unset by default. Set when conference generated
    // type: [string]
    "id": null | "123456789",
    // Conference joining link
    // type: [string]
    // value: [ Zoom | Meet | Teams | Daily | Dyte ] link
    // Unset by default. Set when conference generated
    "link": null | "",