Integrate your typeforms with your RevenueHero scheduler to ensure that every form submit triggers your scheduling widget to book meetings with the right sales rep instantly.

Integrating RevenueHero with Typeform

Follow these steps to integrate your RevenueHero scheduling widget with your form built on Typeform.

In Typeform:

  1. In Typeform, edit the form that you would like to integrate with your RevenueHero scheduler.
  2. In the endings, choose Redirect to URL.
  1. In the redirect URL, choose type in the URL to which you want redirect users after a successful form submit.
  2. Along with the URL, include the form values as query parameters. You can choose to add all the form values or just the ones that you use as criteria to distribute your meetings.


Name and Email are mandatory parameters for RevenueHero.

  1. Save your typeform settings.

That does it for changes in your Typeform account. Once you’ve made these changes, you can setup RevenueHero to show the scheduler for every qualified form fill.

In RevenueHero:

  1. Setup your Inbound Router.
  2. Type your typform ID as the form selector when mapping your web form fields. You’ll find your Typeform ID in the URL of your typeform when you’re editing your typeform.
Typeform form ID

On the page to which your prospects are redirected

  1. Once you’ve configured a router, copy the router ID. You’ll find this in the widget installation section of your router.
  1. In the page to which you’re redirecting prospects who submit the typeform you configured in the steps above, copy the code below at the end of all the existing code on the page.
RevenueHero scheduled script for typeform (paste the router ID from step 1)
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
    const queryParams = Object.fromEntries(
        .map(function (pair) {
          return pair.split("=").map((x) => decodeURIComponent(x));
    if (queryParams.Email) {
      const hero = new RevenueHero({ routerId: "" }); //router id here
      hero.submit(queryParams).then((sessionData) => {
  1. Publish the script to your page.

That should do it! Prospects who are qualified through RevenueHero will now see the scheduler, when they submit your typeform!