There are a couple of pre-requisites to create your first Inbound Router:

  1. Create a Meeting Type
  2. Create a Team to distribute leads and meetings

Steps to create an Inbound Router

  1. To create an Inbound Router, use the side nav bar and click on Inbound → Routers.

  2. Once you’re inside the Inbound Router page, click on the Create New Router button.

The first step in creating your Inbound Router is to map your router to one of your forms. Click ”Start” to begin.

Map your web form

Mapping your lead intake form is the first step in setting up your distribution workflows in RevenueHero.

The mapping allows RevenueHero to use each one of your form input fields (visible and hidden) as conditions in routing rules.


RevenueHero only listens to the form submission to trigger the scheduling widget. It doesn’t interfere with any of your existing data or form functions.

There are 2 ways you can map your form.

Auto-fetch the form

  1. Enter the webpage URL where your form is present so that RevenueHero can auto-fetch the form.
  1. The forms found on the webpage will show up. Click on the form you want to map.
  1. It automatically identifies and shows you the form fields.
  1. Here you are required to review and complete the missing information. This includes Form Details, Map Email, Map Name, and Map Additional Form Inputs.
  1. Once done, click on ‘Save Form Mapping’.

Manual Form Map

  1. Click on the “I’ll do this manually” button in the top right corner.
  1. This will open the fields you are required to fill in with details of the form you want to map.

The form’s ID is to be mapped in Form Selector and the form fields’ names are to be mapped for each field.

  1. Enter all the details, review it, and click on ‘Save Form Mapping’ to proceed.

Set up Matching Rules

Matching rules help in routing leads and their meetings to existing owners in the CRM. This ensures your leads talk to the same sales rep and removes the chances of any confusion.

By default, your account will have two matching rules:

a. Assign meetings to the existing company’s owner.

b. Assign meetings to the existing contact’s owner.

c. (For Salesforce) Assign meetings to existing lead’s owner.

You can click and drag the rule to rearrange the order in which the router checks these rules before assigning the meeting to a sales representative.

Alternatively, you can create a new matching rule or choose to delete either of the rules that are added by default. To delete a matching rule from your Inbound Router, click on the trash icon to the right of the rule.

Set up Distribution Rules

Distribution rules help assign a new owner to an incoming lead and their meeting. You can route based on a round-robin or your custom logic. You can keep it as simple or complex as you’d like and distribute it across all or specific members of a team.

If you’ve already created a Distribution Rule, you can select the rule you’d like by clicking on the ”Select Distribution Rules”. You can use the search functionality to look for a specific rule that you’d like to add to this router.

However, if you haven’t created a Distribution Rule, click on the ”Create New Rule” button to create a new rule.

Here’s a detailed step-by-step guide to creating a new Distribution Rule.

But here’s a quick walkthrough:

  1. Once you’ve clicked the ”Create New Rule” button, you’ll see a pop-up for the Distribution Rule Setup.
  1. Click on “Assign to Single Member”. This means the meeting will get assigned to a single member who is available at the chosen time, from a single Round Robin list.

If you’d like to assign the meeting to members from two different teams, click here for steps to set-up Group Round Robin.

  1. Now, you need to decide how you want meetings to be distributed for this particular rule.

  2. In the drop-down choose the Team from which a single member will be assigned the meeting based on a flexible round-robin.

Next, choose the team members who should be considered for round-robin. It can either be all team members or select team members. When you choose to distribute meetings ”To all members”, you can create and build your own logic for how the meetings should be distributed between team members.

When you choose to distribute meetings only ”To selected members”, you can add specific members instead of the entire team and create your own distribution logic.

Once selected, you can adjust the meeting weightage for each team member.
5. Click “Continue”.
6. Next, you’ll have to set the conditions you want to check. This is where you tell RevenueHero which property in your CRM to look up to set this condition.
7. Set conditions based on CRM fields or Form Inputs or Enriched Fields that need to be checked.

You can add multiple conditions with a combination of AND or OR for the Distribution Rule to check before meetings are assigned.
8. Click “Continue”.
9. Give your Distribution Rule a name. For example, if you’re creating a Distribution Rule for your Canada sales team, you can name it Canada sales.

  1. You can choose to update the account owner in your CRM by checking the tickbox.
  2. Add guests to meetings every time a meeting is booked through this Distribution Rule. This is particularly helpful if you’ve recently onboarded a new sales rep and you want their manager to be on calls to guide them, for example.
  3. Lastly, you can override default meeting settings. This is particularly helpful if you want to add a different meeting type to your router and override the meeting type that is selected in the router.
  1. Once done, click “Save”.

Distribution rules are set! We now know how to route meetings. Let’s set up redistribution to route those who don’t book a meeting after submitting the form.

Set up Redistribution

When a prospect fills your form but decides not to book a meeting for some reason, you can set up rules to re-distribute that lead to a new owner who can follow up with them offline.

  1. You’ll be asked if you’d like to redistribute prospects who do not book a meeting. If you select ”No”, you don’t have to set up anything. However, we do recommend that you select ”Yes” and set up Redistribution rules.
You can redistribute leads to your SDR team to follow up and book meetings for your AEs.
  1. If you select to redistribute your leads, you’ll be asked to choose between overriding existing owners and retaining existing owners for the contacts in the CRM.

  2. Finally, you can select Redistribution rules for your router. Setting up the Redistribution rule is similar to how you set up your Distribution rule. You can follow the same steps as above to create a new Redistribution rule if you haven’t already.

Now that we’ve set up your Redistribution Rules, we’re just one step away from creating your Inbound Router.

In the next step, we’ll configure your router. This includes naming your router, selecting the type of meeting, and setting up redirections.

Configure Router

Configuring your router includes naming your router, selecting the type of meeting, and setting up redirections.

Naming your router

Use the ”What would you like to call this router?” field to give your router a name. Using the same example we’ve used throughout this article, we’ll name our router USA Router.

Selecting Meeting Type

  1. Use the ”What kind of meeting should this router assign?” field to select the meeting type for this router.

  2. Set when a meeting should be considered as ”Not booked” using the drop-down field under ”Meeting considered ‘not booked’ after”. You can choose between ”5 mins”, ”10 mins”, or ”15 mins“.

RevenueHero will send the meeting status as ”Not booked” to your CRM. Your team can decide to run campaigns or follow up based on this field.

Disqualification Settings

Here you can choose to disqualify submissions if the email address uses a free email provider.


Redirects help with marketing attribution. You can choose to set up the following redirects:

  • On successful booking take them to a thank you page

  • On disqualification take them to a specific page

  • On not booking but staying on the page for a specific time, take them to a specific page

That’s it! Now, all you have to do is click the ”Create Router” button. This will generate a javascript that you’ll need to copy and paste on your website.

Install the script

Where do I paste the code?

That’s it! Your inbound router is set up. 🎉🎉🎉