New member joining your team? Congratulations! 🎉

There are 2 ways you can add members to your team.


Only users with Manager or Admin permissions can add a user from the team.

Invite Using Team Settings Page

You can invite members to your team via your Team settings.

  1. To add a member to your team, use the side nav bar to click on Settings → Teams** under the Organization section.
  1. Select the “Team” you’d like to add a new member.
  1. Click the “Invite” button on the top right corner. Under the Members tab, you’ll see a list of all the existing members in this team. Click on the “Invite” button in the top right corner

Members of the team are users who receive meetings. They can not edit team availability.

Members of the team are users who receive meetings. They can not edit team availability.

Admins are like Chuck Norris. They can do anything.

  1. In the Add User to team pop-up, you can select the member you want to add to the team from the drop down.
  1. Once you’re done adding all the members, click “Add Members”.

Invite Using Invite Button From Top Nav

The second way to add members is via the “Invite user icon”.

You’ll see the invite icon on the top right corner near your profile picture and help button. This lets you invite users to RevenueHero and add them to a team in one go.

  1. Click on the “Invite user icon” in the top right corner, from whichever RevenueHero screen you are on.
  1. In the invite pop-up, enter their email address, choose the User role from the drop-down, and choose which team you would like to add them to.
  1. Click the ”Send Invite” button.

You can add multiple members to a team at the same time using both methods.