RevenueHero syncs in real time all the data that results in each one of these metrics you’ll see below, to your CRM, which allows you to build similar reports in Salesforce, Hubspot or Zoho

Every campaing link click that is connected to a campaign router instantly rolls up to your campaign conversion reports to give you a live pulse of your conversion metrics, with easy to use, pre-built filters that enable you to analyse trends for every outcome resutling from a form fill. We’ve made it easy to correlate your clicks vs meetings from your campaigns without having to build custom reports.

The Trend Overview section gives you a quick trend analysis to compare current trends with the last 28 or 7 days depending. With the quick access filters, you’ll be able to compare trends for the number of: Link clicks Meeting booked Not booked .

Combined with the conversion funnel which gives you a quick and visual indicator of your funnel health, you’re able to get a pulse check on your overall campaign performance.

To get a quick analysis of the metrics across multiple campaigns you’re running in different sequences, you can scroll down to access a campaign wise break down.

The conversion reports can be filtered down to get metrics for a parituclar team, or the performance of a particular campaign to know just what to tweak.