Meeting owner

The meeting owner is updated into the default owner field of the Contact based on your Matching or Distribution rule’s setting.

Contact custom fields

RevenueHero pushes Meeting and Prospect details automatically into your HubSpot fields. You can use these properties to set up Custom Reports or Workflows in HubSpot.


RevenueHero auto-creates these fields in HubSpot and updates them with the latest context in a separate group called RevenueHero Meeting Details.

Field LabelInternal Field NameField TypeNotes
Meeting Typerh_meeting_typeSingle-line textMeeting Type name in RevenueHero for Inbound Router, Campaign Router and Relays and the Meeting Link name for Personal Meeting Links
Meeting Timerh_meeting_timeDate pickerMeeting time of meeting in RevenueHero
Meeting Statusrh_meeting_statusDropdown selectStatus of meeting in RevenueHero
Disqualifiedrh_disqualifiedSingle checkboxTrue if prospect is Disqualified by RevenueHero
No Showrh_no_showSingle checkboxTrue if meeting is marked as No-Show in RevenueHero
Campaign Namerh_campaign_nameSingle-line textCampaign Router name of the meeting in RevenueHero
Router Namerh_router_nameSingle-line textInbound Router or Relay name of the meeting in RevenueHero
Meeting Create Timerh_meeting_created_atDate pickerMeeting creation time of meeting in RevenueHero
Meeting Reschedule URLrh_reschedule_linkSingle-line textMeeting reschedule URL for the meeting
Meeting Cancellation URLrh_cancel_linkSingle-line textMeeting cancellation URL for the meeting

Inside properties tab of Contact

Meeting details

RevenueHero also creates a Meeting in HubSpot when a meeting is created in your account and updates it with the following properties. You can find this under the Meetings tab on your contact page in HubSpot.

Meeting TypeMeeting Type name in RevenueHero for Inbound Router, Campaign Router and Relays and the Meeting Link name for Personal Meeting Links
OutcomeUpdates to Scheduled, Rescheduled, Canceled, Completed or No-Show based on the Meeting Status in RevenueHero
DurationAuto-calculated and displayed from Meeting start and end times pushed from RevenueHero meeting.
Meeting TitleTitle of the meeting in RevenueHero
Meeting DescriptionBody of the meeting invite in RevenueHero

Properties in Event