How to create Relays?
Creating a Relay is simple and easy. It’s just six steps, and this article walks you through each step in detail.
Relays in RevenueHero help BDRs automate the meeting scheduling and routing process between your prospects and AEs and compresses the entire process to a few clicks.
With Relays, BDRs get instant visibility into AE availabilities, making it easier to book meetings with the right AE for the prospect.
Relays also automatically routes the meeting to the right AE who is next in queue, so that BDRs do not have to wrangle around with spreadsheets to figure whom to assign the meeting to. All the data is automatically synced with your CRM and reminders are sent out automatically to increase meeting show rates, making Relays your BDRs’ sidekick.
There are a couple of pre-requisites to create your first Relay:
Steps to create a Relay
Navigate to Relays
- To create a Relay, use the side nav bar and click on Relays → Routers.
- Once you are inside the Relays page, click on the Create New Relay button.
Click “Start” to create a new Relay.
Now, the first step in creating your Relay is to select the bookers/reps who will handoff meetings in this relay.
Select bookers
This is the first step in setting up the workflow. Choose the team that will handoff meetings in this Relay i.e the team that is booking the meeting. You can further decide if you want to select the entire team or just a few specific members.
Prospect Form
Adding a prospect form to your relay allows for your bookers to collect information that can be used to create conditional routing to assign meetings the right reps. The same form is also displayed to prospects to fill out information when they book a meeting through a relay link.
Example of a booker interface with form questions
In this step, you can choose to pick the default form, with just name and email fields, if there is no conditional routing based on booker/prospect input. You can also create a new form to add additonal questions.
CRM Settings
Once you’ve picked the form, you’ll be prompted to set up contact creation/updation in the CRM.
- Update contacts, if the prospect exists as a contact already.
- Create contacts, if the prospect doesn’t exist as a contact already.
Update Booker in the CRM
To help track meeting booking/attribution, you can setup RevenueHero to update a specific field in your CRM.
The field has to be a Hubspot User field or a Lookup-User field in Salesforce for RevenueHero to update the booker.
Set up matching rules
Matching rules help in routing leads and their meetings to existing owners in the CRM. This ensures your leads talk to the same sales rep and removes the chances of any confusion.
Alternatively, you can choose to skip ownership matching and click on Skip this step.
By default there are matching rules to check for ownership on a lead (only in SFDC), contact or company/account level.
We recommend excluding the booker team from the ownership matching rules to ensure that the booker is not shown their own calendar in case they own the record in the CRM.
Click “Next” to proceed
Set up distribution pods
Distribution pods decide the rep you want to handoff meetings to. You can choose to route meetings amongst the team members selected within the Distribution Pod based on conditions set.
If you’ve already created a Distribution Pod, you can select the pod you’d like by clicking on ”Select Distribution Pods”. You can use the search functionality to look for a specific pod that you’d like to add to this Relay.
However, if you haven’t created a Distribution Pod, click on the ”New Distribution Pod” button to create a new pod.
Here’s a quick walkthrough on how to create a new Distribution Pod:
- Once you’ve clicked the ”New Distribution Pod” button, you’ll see a pane open up from the right. Choose if you want to round robin with one team (eg: AE) or collectively round robin among a few teams(eg: AE + SE).
- Choose members that will make up this pod by selecting the Team from the dropdown menu.
- Next, you have to choose which team members should be considered for a strict round-robin. It can either be all Team Members or select Team Members.
You can also assign weightage for each member over here.
The next step is to Add Conditions, which if valid, will assign meetings to the members. (This is an optional step.)
- Click on the ”Add a condition” button and click on ”Add a Property”. This is where you tell RevenueHero which property in your CRM to look up for this distribution pod.
- Route meetings to the reps in the queue by setting conditions in the pod. Choose between
Form inputs - which if not present in the CRM already, must be entered by the booker while booking.
CRM Fields - route based on information already present in the CRM.
You can add multiple conditions with a combination of AND or OR for the Distribution Rule to check before meetings are assigned.
Lastly, you have the Pod Settings. This is where you can name your Distribution Pod. For example, since you’ve created a Distribution Pod for your US West Coast AE team, you can name it US West AE.
You have the option to choose if you want to update the account owner. Once you’re done, click “Save”.
You’ll also be required to select a “Fallback Distribution Pod”, in the event the existing pod selected does not match. This means if there is no team member from the existing pod who is available in the slots you are looking for or does not fulfill your set logic, you need to have a fallback distribution pod to whom the meeting can be assigned.
- Click “Select Distribution Pod” to choose your Fallback distribution pod.
- And click “Next”.
Round Robin Method
In this step, you can determine the round robin method that will be applied to the relay. There are two options to choose from:
- Strict Round Robin : Fully equal distribution based on lead volumes. Booker will see the calendar of the first person in the queue.
- Flexible Round Robin : More time slots for bookers/prospects to choose from. Booker will see combined availabilty of everyone in the queue.
You can also choose to have different round robin methods that is applied for the relay’s links.
If you’ve chosen Strict Round Robin for the relay, the booker will see the calendar of the rep who is first in the queue.
Configure Settings
Here are the setting you’ll need to configure:
- Select Meeting Type
Use the ”What kind of meeting should this router assign?” field to select the meeting type for this router.
- Meeting Organizer
Select if you want the booker or the assignee to be the meeting organizer. In the event you choose assignee, you also get to decide if you want the booker to be a part of the meeting or not.
- Override Round Robin
This option is only applicable if the Relay is set to Strict Round Robin.
Yes,Allow booker to override round robin suggestion will allow bookers to flip between the reps in the queue while No, go with round robin suggestion will force the booker to go ahead with the first in queue.
- Override Exisiting Meetings
Choose if you want to let the booker override round robin and select assignees manually or not.
- Name your Relay
Use the ”What would you like to call this relay?” field to give your router a name. We’ll name our relay as SDR - AE Handoff.
That’s it! Now, all you have to do is click the ”Create Relay” button.
That’s it! You’ve now set up Relays. 🎉🎉🎉