Meeting owner

The meeting owner is updated into the default owner field of the Contact based on your Matching or Distribution rule’s setting.

Activity custom fields

RevenueHero also creates an Activity in Salesforce when a meeting is created in your account and updates it with the following properties. You can find this under the Activity tab on your contact page in Salesforce.


RevenueHero auto-creates these fields in Salesforce and updates them with the latest context. Ensure that you toggle field visibility for these fields to enable RevenueHero to pass the meeting data.

These are the fields in Salesforce for Activity that are auto-created by RevenueHero and updated with appropriate context.

Field LabelInternal Field NameField TypeNotes
RH Meeting TypeRH_Meeting_Type__cText(75)Meeting Type name in RevenueHero for Inbound Router, Campaign Router and Relays and the Meeting Link name for Personal Meeting Links
RH No ShowRH_No_Show__cCheckboxTrue if meeting is marked as No-Show in RevenueHero
RH CanceledRH_Canceled__cCheckboxTrue if meeting is Canceled in RevenueHero
RH Booked by ProspectRH_Booked_By_Prospect__cCheckboxTrue if meeting is Booked in RevenueHero. False for Relays if the meeting was booked by the Sales rep on behalf of the prospect
RH Rule NameRH_Rule_Name__cText(75)The Rule Name in RevenueHero through which prospect was qualified
RH Assignee NameRH_Assignee_Name__cText(75)The Meeting Owner Name in RevenueHero
RH RouterRH_Router_Name__cText(75)The Name of the Inbound Router/Campaign Router/Relay in RevenueHero
RH Booked ByRH_Booked_By__cLookup(User)The CRM User who booked a meeting via Relay in RevenueHero
RH Booked By NameRH_Booked_By_Name__cText(75)The Name of the Relay Booker in RevenueHero
RH Rescheduled CountRH_Rescheduled_Count__cNumber(18, 0)The number of times a meeting was rescheduled in RevenueHero
RH Response StatusRH_Response_Status__cText(15)The RSVP status marked by the Prospect to calendar event
RH Reschedule LinkRH_Reschedule_Link__cText(75)The reschedule URL for the meeting
RH Cancellation LinkRH_Cancel_Link__cText(75)The cancellation URL for the meeting

Lead & Contact custom fields

RevenueHero pushes Meeting and Prospect details automatically into your Salesforce fields. You can use these properties to set up Custom Reports or Workflows in Salesforce.


RevenueHero auto-creates these fields in Salesforce and updates them with the latest context. Ensure that you toggle field visibility for these fields to enable RevenueHero to pass the meeting data.

Field LabelInternal Field NameField TypeNotes
RH Meeting TypeRH_Meeting_Type__cText(100)Meeting Type name in RevenueHero for Inbound Router, Campaign Router and Relays and the Meeting Link name for Personal Meeting Links
RH Meeting DateRH_Meeting_Date__cDate/TimeMeeting time of meeting in RevenueHero
RH Meeting StatusRH_Meeting_Status__cPicklistStatus of meeting in RevenueHero:
Not Booked
No Show
RH No ShowRH_No_Show__cCheckboxTrue if meeting is marked as No-Show in RevenueHero
RH DisqualifiedRH_Disqualified__cCheckboxTrue if prospect is disqualified by RevenueHero
RH Inbound RouterRH_Inbound_Router__cText(75)Inbound Router or Relay name of the meeting in RevenueHero
RH Campaign RouterRH_Campaign_Router__cText(75)Campaign Router name of the meeting in RevenueHero
RH Meeting Created AtRH_Meeting_Created_At__cDate/TimeMeeting creation time of meeting in RevenueHero